Accident Insurance

Accidents leading to injuries like broken bones, burns and concussions happen despite our best efforts. Having a group accident policy provides cash benefits to help cover unexpected medical bills and expenses. We offer plans with:

Set payments based on injury type. More severe accidents pay higher amounts.

Coverage for hospitalizations, ER visits, ambulance transportation and more.

Income replacement if injuries prevent employees from working.

Wellness benefits for routine health screenings as incentives.

Portable coverage if employees change jobs.

Accident protection brings peace of mind knowing employees have a financial backstop when the unexpected strikes.

A Partnership That Puts Your Team First

As your benefits partner, our number one priority is crafting plans tailored to your workplace’s unique needs and budget. We will:

Offer multiple plan recommendations and carrier choices for flexibility.

Simplify benefits management by consolidating plans under our team.

Use our market leverage to negotiate optimal pricing and terms.

Handle plan communication, open enrollment, billing and more so you can focus on your business.

Provide responsive account management and HR support year-round.

Assist with compliance requirements, renewals, and changes.

Caring for employees extends beyond medical insurance alone. Rely on our team to fully cover your workforce through ancillary benefits they want and need. Contact us today to discuss options complimentary to your health plan.

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