For business owners that want to treat their employees like family

Supplemental Group Insurance

Empower your workforce and elevate your benefits package with our supplemental group health insurance options designed for individuals and businesses in Columbus, Ohio. We specialize in crafting tailored packages that align seamlessly with the unique needs of employers. Our commitment extends beyond traditional health coverage, offering popular options such as “paycheck protection,” accident plans, and comprehensive group dental coverage.


Tailored Packages for Employers: We understand that each business has distinct needs. Our supplemental group health insurance allows employers in Columbus to customize packages, ensuring that the coverage aligns perfectly with the well-being of their workforce.


“Paycheck Protection” Plans: Explore innovative options like “paycheck protection” to provide financial security to employees during unexpected health challenges. These plans are crafted to safeguard income and maintain financial stability during challenging times.


Comprehensive Accident and Dental Coverage: Our supplemental group health insurance includes accident plans and group dental coverage. From unexpected injuries to maintaining optimal oral health, our plans offer a holistic approach to employee well-being, enhancing the overall benefits package for businesses in Columbus, Ohio.

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